Updates 06-16-2010
I did another apt-get upgrade mainly bind9 stuff nothing too important.
I installed imapproxy for squirrelmail/roundcubemail you should notice
an increase in speed when using them. (I know I did!)
Svn pulls were also performed tonight (roundcubemail, z-push)
Sadly because of so many changes I had to reset the roundcubemail
SQL database you will have to setup your account stuff again. (Sorry!)
I fixed mimedefang today for some reason it had a fit and prevented
sendmail from doing it’s job properly…
I updated all wordpress plugins on all of the sites I manage.
And I played around with WordPress 3.0 RC3 tonight it’s looking good.
Now friend connect with me via the bar at top and read the site more
often users! All major changes that occur on Inexistence I post here!
End of Line.