Life and stuff…

So to catch everyone up with what has been going on in my life I will do a quick summary:

I started my own business repairing and helping people with their computers.
Because of this I have attempted to become more professional online and in person.
(I got a hair cut it’s short and I’ve dropped domain names that I’ve used in the past.)
I got married August 16, 2008 to my lovely wife Gwyneth Ravenscraft
(you can find a link to her blog here it’s Ravensblood she updates a little more than me.)
I’ve been learning new things besides computers, like doing plumbing work and car repair
(to save money for myself and landlords).
I built my wife a computer which I end up using more than her as I do a lot of computer work.
(Big shock I know…)
I’ve rewired yet again another old house and this time I mean to never do it again.
My garage was broken into and someone took my bike and my air compressor.

If I can think of anything else I’ll add it to this post later, but that should do for now.

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