OpenDNS Issue (

So if anyone has been having issues emailing to gmail users lately I finally found out why.
OpenDNS apparently is having kittens doing proper resolves for any of it.

Now if you’re an OpenDNS user you might say my settings were wrong or something.
Well I reviewed all my settings (disabled all security stuff and filtering) and I would get a bunch of NXDOMAIN(3) errors.

host has address has address
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Whereas using’s dns:
host has address has address has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4009:802::1016 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20 mail is handled by 30 mail is handled by 40 mail is handled by 5

Quite a big difference eh?

So for the time being we will stop using OpenDNS as our primary dns provider until the issue is resolved.

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Router Damaged

So late last night we had a storm of epic proportions which caused quite a bit of flooding to occur.
While the server is fine it fried our network router / switch entirely.

I brought over my secondary repeating router to fill in the service gap for now.
We really need to get / replace the current router with a different one as this is only a stopgap solution.

If you are a current user of inexistence and enjoy our services then I please ask you to donate
any amount to help fix this massive issue.

You can use the button below to help out:

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SSL Certificate Update

So I finally found a solution for pretty much all of our encryption needs
for Inexistence services and such.

StartSSL provides a free SSL certificate service I have enabled all the
hosts that require SSL with new certificates so guess what this means?

No more stupid SSL connection errors no self signed nightmare.

Enjoy your encryption.
PS. If you would like SSL enabled for some reason on your site please
let me know and I’ll see what I can do (and if it’s even justified).

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SSH Access…

All SSH access is currently denied for all users as there is a rather evil kernel bug:
Hole in Linux kernel provides root rights

Of course Debian hasn’t patched this in backports yet (which we currently use).
So until this is fixed please drop me a support ticket if you really need shell access.

Otherwise please be patient and I’ll let you know when I lift the ban…

Debian has fixed this with the latest backport kernel upgrade.
Enjoy your shell access again folks!

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Updates 01-05-2010

Once again wordpress has been upgraded on all accounts I manage to 2.9.1.

svn pulls have been performed as well.
apt-get stuff etc…

DKIM is rocking still…

And so ends another update notice.

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