Updates 11-14-2011
So I installed z-push-2 from svn tonight.
You should probably re-add your account on your mobile device to pick up the new features.
(ActiveSync 14.0 supported now.)
New roundcubemail svn pull as well tonight.
I also bumped up the max supported connections per ip for imap connections.
Hope you folks are enjoying stuff still.
This is all…
read moreUpdates 06-16-2010
I did another apt-get upgrade mainly bind9 stuff nothing too important.
I installed imapproxy for squirrelmail/roundcubemail you should notice
an increase in speed when using them. (I know I did!)
Svn pulls were also performed tonight (roundcubemail, z-push)
Sadly because of so many changes I had to reset the roundcubemail
SQL database you will have to setup your account stuff again. (Sorry!)
I fixed mimedefang today for some reason it had a fit and prevented
sendmail from doing it’s job properly…
I updated all wordpress plugins on all of the sites I manage.
And I played around with WordPress 3.0 RC3 tonight it’s looking good.
Now friend connect with me via the bar at top and read the site more
often users! All major changes that occur on Inexistence I post here!
End of Line.
read moreSPF, DKIM, Mail Changes
I’ve implemented spf tags onto inexistence mail to help with spam filtering
(I’m currently just marking headers not failing stuff).
I’ve also implemented DKIM signatures for select domain names.
(Also not failing unsigned domains and all domains are in test mode).
But if you were expecting an email and haven’t received it and
they have confirmed they sent it please let me know…
I know internally there are no email problems so I will receive your notifications.
PS. If you all of a sudden cannot use your email client of choice
set the auth to LOGIN sometimes called PASSWORD
do not use the MD5 / NTLM stuff as you’ll need my help.
Upgrades 06-17-2009
Well it has been awhile here are some updates to share with you folks:
Debian security updates apache2-mpm-prefork (2.2.9-10+lenny3) is now installed.
Z-Push has been downgraded from svn back to 1.2.2RC
(Proper TimeZone actually set now)
All wordpress blogs that I maintain are now 2.8 with all plugins updated
Roundcubemail is the latest svn pull now
phpmyadmin upgraded to 3.2 and all pma operations are now available
(fixed the privileges)
I think that covers the updates for tonight, hope someone cares…
read moreSSL & Push…
Well folks I did a bunch of changes this evening:
All ssl enabled hosts moved to the default port (443) we are
now using a wildcard ssl self signed cert (yes it’s naughty.)
I also deployed a new service tonight “Push” for all Exchange
supported “Smart” devices like Blackberries and iPod/iPhone.
The setup is as follows:
Email account: [email protected]
Server: push.inexistence.org
Domain: (Leave this blank)
Username: your username
Password: your password
SSL: Enabled (I only have it enabled for SSL so if you can’t use it sorry!)
I also upgraded Roundcubemail (svn update) again tonight a bunch of
changes came in. I apologize for all the folks who added exceptions for
the SSL certs to their computers. You may now delete them as we’re using
valid certs now instead of the self signed ones…
read more